Our mission is to ensure a sustainable future for our world-class journalism. To do this, we are continuing to invest in technology to improve efficiencies and reduce waste across our organization. We are also investing in our newsroom, increasing the number of reporters covering the climate crisis.
Taunton Production Facility
In 2017, the Globe moved out of its historic Morrissey Boulevard location and relocated its print operation into a brand-new 330,000 square-foot facility in Taunton, Massachusetts. The upgrade to a custom plant with state-of-the-art machines and modern facilities has improved sustainability and efficiency across the entire production operation.

Taunton Sustainability Snapshot:

Sustainability Week
Each year since 2020, The Boston Globe is proud to have hosted Sustainability Week — a week-long virtual event series focusing on the climate crisis, current environmental issues, and actionable solutions.

Climate Coverage
In 2021, the Globe launched a new reporting initiative, expanding and reimagining its coverage of the climate crisis. We shine light on the challenges of radically reducing carbon, illuminate paths toward solutions, and hold to account the private interests and elected leaders responsible for getting us there.