We empower all employees to innovate and help drive our journalistic vision forward long term.
A top business priority is to continuously invest in innovation in order to support our vital journalistic mission long term. The Innovation Lab is a dedicated space to capture ideas, collaborate on and thoughtfully evaluate them, and determine the best path to see top ideas implemented. Every quarter, the company hosts a Hackathon and Idea Pitch where all employees are invited to hack a problem, build a pitch, and brainstorm (individually or with a team) to address pain points and/or flesh out creative new ideas to grow or innovate our business or journalism.
The B-Side, an email and social-only product geared towards informing and entertaining new audiences, was initially pitched during a hackathon in 2022. The team saw the brand as a way to reimagine how local news is conveyed to the next generation of Bostonians. The B-Side now has tens of thousands of subscribers and social media followers as a Boston Globe Media brand.